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Sunday, January 27, 2008

The main control screen of the Midnight ProwlerBot Control attempts to emulate the controls on a PS2 controller. This is done to ease the transition from using the PS2 controller to using the Midnight ProwlerBot Control—there is no need to memorize a new control scheme.

Naturally, there are significant differences between a PS2 controller and the Midnight ProwlerBot Control. The most obvious is joystick control, which had to be provided in the program using sliders. It is certainly possible to create a custom joystick control instead of using sliders, but sliders are convenient and easy to use. The sliders may be replaced a joystick control at some point in the future.

The lower left side of the main screen provides sensor readings as they are received from the Basic Atom Pro 28. Currently, there is no logic acting based upon the readings, but there will be in the future. For instance, the Midnight ProwlerBot will be able to chase and kick a colored ball into a goal by identifying the colored object and remembering the location of the goal and kicking in the direction of the goal.

Although the logic from the main screen of the program is an emulation of the same functions available on the PS2 controller, the program will eventually provide more autonomous control and retain the PS2 functionality for convenience and testing.

The servo ranges may be set by accessing the Servo Ranges screen. Not only may the upper and lower ranges for individual servos be set, which is not available in the original Basic Atom code, but the zero points of individual servos may also be set. There are also buttons available to reset the ranges to their original ranges and to set the zero points to zero.

The Servo Control screen provides the ability control servos individually or as a group and outputs the resulting command in a textbox to be viewed or copied for possible use later. This functionality is provided mainly as a convenience for the programmer to be able to easily create a sequence and copy the commands to program code. This screen will be used in developing the kicking motions and celebration motions that will eventually exist in the Midnight ProwlerBot.

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