If you have owned a 3d printer for a while then you've probably already added code to beep the 3d printers speaker to notify you that your print has completed. Otherwise, your stuck occasionally checking the print progress, which can become tiresome.
Why not play a favorite tune when your 3d print has completed? Maybe a fanfare? Celebration? "Flight of the Valkyries?"
With the tool at the following link, you can convert a midi file directly to GCODE that will output tones on your 3d printers speaker: Midi to M300
The M300 GCODE command is used by 3d printers running Marlin firmware to generate sounds, tones. Many 3d printers use the Marlin codebase so if your 3d printer has a speaker then you should be able to generate music.
The music will not sound like music from your smartphone might sound. It actually sounds more like a Commodore VIC-20 could be playing the music but it is recognizable and guaranteed to arose curiosity from those not expecting it.
You can of course generate your own midi files like Lazy Game Reviewer (LGR) might, but there are also numerous midi songs available on the Internet.
Since I'm no musician but still am a fan of the original MacGyver show, I found the theme song in midi form and ran it through Midi to M300 and tried it on my printer.
It sounded terrible!
So I went back to Midi to M300 and unchecked boxes for some instruments and channels and tried again. I had to repeat this several times before I got something that sounded good to my ears. However, it was too lengthy. I didn't need to hear the entire MacGyver theme at the end of a print, just enough to be recognizable and get my attention.
So I started trimming M300 lines from the generated code. The final result has been shorted to around 30 seconds of time and contains the most recognizable parts of the tune.
If you'd like to just try this out on your 3d printer then install a copy of Pronterface and connect to your 3d printers USB port. Some Creality printers now use the CH340 serial USB driver so you may need to install it to get Pronterface working with your printer - it does not autoinstall on Win10.
Copy the GCODE for the MacGyver theme below and save it using Notepad as a text file. Change the extension of the file to MacGyver.GCODE. After Pronterface is connected to your printer, Load the MacGyver.GCODE file in Pronterface.
Now press the Print button in Pronterface and your 3d printer should play the MacGyver theme. If it is unsuccessful, and your certain that Printer face is connected, double check the MacGyver.GCODE file that you saved and make sure that it only contains the M300 GCODE lines shown below and nothing else.
To play the MacGyver theme at the end of a print, open up your printer configuration in Cura slicer and go to the "End G-code" under the Machine Settings for your printer and paste the following GCODE:
M300 P104 S523
M300 P104 S0M300 P104 S523
M300 P104 S0
M300 P104 S523
M300 P104 S0
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M300 P104 S0
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